Wondrous petrichor and lost souls… 

      I think we are all essentially lost… !! Maybe that’s the reason getting lost physically transcends our minds through a spiritual  pleasure making us one with ourselves and we end up making movies about finding oneself – the silly humankind !!! *Sighs* 

    But tell me one thing, have you ever really got lost? Without a phone or a passport, without the slightest idea of what’s gonna come next?! It mostly happens when we are children… Clueless, helpless to some extent but mostly , carefree!! And only those people who were really lost once can comprehend the true beauty of getting lost… 

     The absurdly beautiful smell of the earth after the season’s first rain, the smell of old books, the scent of creamy coffee or peaceful conversations of midnight texts, they all tell a story of the changing times, our diaries try to bring us back but we turn it’s pages to lose ourselves with the pacing pollution of our lonely minds… But inside this catastrophe of racing hearts and forgotten memories , when we get lost , we tend to realise the true potential of the world to make us feel at home.

     The fear, that creepy air of ghostly freedom and the bitter sweet mixture of unburdened autonomy and Stark terror that surrounds the moments of the disoriented  misadventures can last for hours , or just moments, but what matters is the realisation of that unfathomable experience! 

     Then, just when the fears set in, we find ourselves found by the world! But The sheer joy of being found gets somehow hidden behind the dearth of that liberty the disorientation gave us! It’s weird and even selfish according to some people…  And yet, significantly true for almost all of us..  which brings me back to my previous point – we are all essentially lost!! 

       Not just ourselves , we lose everything we once held dear as we grow up… With time we lose our individuality , our identity , our mental spaces and end up being a mass – just a mass of people , a group of lost souls! Why else are nomads , the happily adrift people of the era,  always potrayed as the most insightful beings!??

         On sudden wintry nights after long meetings and tired cups of chocolate milkshakes , maybe we grasp a frozen corner of our souls while tuning in to some classic song of a bygone era …. Or maybe , that surprising meeting with a 10 year old ex and a subsequent quiet stroll through the silent streets of a sleeping city gives us a glance at our lost self…       but going through the day , chasing the marcedes , the weeklong trip to Beijing and in between potlucks and drum beats , we are all lost, lost not physically so the we may find ourselves in the wilderness of life, but lost deep down inside our cold wild hearts that beat everytime with an untamed wish to be free, and we lock it up fiercely with our excuses of duty and necessities , only to lose the key ourselves…

     But there will always be those moments of truth and purity that give us our uninhibited chances to snatch the key and unlock our souls , set them free , wild and a tad bit wacky, before life makes us lose the key again, binding our heels till some random visits by the unknown corners of twisted paths of life can trick us again, into getting lost – the secret key to the personalized haven of our silhouetted identity…

( Hey guys, I didn’t post anything for quite a long time… Really missed you peeps 🙂 but I was busy as a bee .. umm.. actually I still am… So yeah, here I am, hopefully back! And hope you like this post… 😉 )

” If we don’t know where life is taking us, we are never lost …. ” – Paulo Coelho

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